Tag Archives: nip

Sunday Selfies with Tyebe Searching

We are joining The Cat On My Head for the Sunday Selfies hosted by the Blue family.                                                                       

Something smells like….nip?

  Where is this smell coming from? It’s not in the tea towel.

It’s coming from the bedroom.                                                   No, the nip is in the en suite? That doesn’t make sense. Since when did mom start sniffing nip?                                                                         
Yep, the smell’s in here. Can you see it? I’m going by smell as my nose never lies.

Oh, I look pretty good today.  That extra 3 hours of sleep did wonders.                                                           

I can’t see it but I can smell it. Nip is here someplace and I won’t leave until I find it.

Found it!!  Oh, it’s ready to set up seeds.  What a doozie!  Can you guess what happened to the nip plant next? mol













Tyebe Tuesday

First of all, we must thank Ann of Zoolatry very much for the beautiful and lifelike summer photo of the fur family.  We love the header, Ann.


We were out kicking our paws around in the backyard today. I chased Budd who in turn chased me until I collapsed on the deck.  Budd was laying over further.                                                 

Shoko was watching us and shaking her head.  Until we turned around and chased the whiskers off her. mol            

She’d gone and rolled in the nip….so she was feeling no pain.

I was pooped after this chase.                                       

       NAP ATTACK! 

Here is a picture of Shoko and I at the celebration of Birthdays and Gotcha Days at Cat Scouts. It is Shoko’s 11th Gotcha Day on the 15th. 
Don’t we look fetching and beguiling.  Shoko is wearing Phoebe’s Travelling Bikini from 2015. Phobe is now an angel with Kali but she had a wonderful home at 15 and Meowing. 
We are also joining up with Comedy Plus for Happy Tuesday.  Click on the picture for Happy Tuesday and visit your friends.  Their site addresses are all printed up for you.                 
Have a super Tuesday friends.

Thankful Thursday December 19

What’s this?  Be careful mom don’t drop it,  A humongous parcel and you say it’s for us.  Then really be careful, watch out for my nanner.  Don’t trip over it.

Step aside Tyebe or mom will trip over you.
Who’s it from mom? It’s from your Secret Santa on the blogosphere! Seems the presents are for Shoko, Tyebe and Budd. Well, I’ll be plastered with nip! You got goodies too, mom. You’re right, Shoko!  I’m pretty lucky.  Why is Santa a secret? Probably because he doesn’t want little furries bugging him to see if they can open their presents sooner than Christmas Day.  How’d you know that was what I wanted to do?  Just a hunch.

This is also Thankful Thursday at Brian’s Home so click on the badge and visit the crew over there.                                                                 We are so thankful that our Secret Santa sent us such lovely looking gifts.
I love the box and promise to share.                                                                           
 I can’t believe these presents are for me too.  I’ve not had a Christmas gift since I was a young’un.  Christmas Day is just like any other day on the streets.  Let’s see how he’ll handle Christmas this year. 
We will post after Christmas when we open these wonderful gifts and thank our Secret Santa by name.


Friday Friendly Fill-Ins with All of us

Hey, it’s that time.  Time for the fill-ins for the week.  We thank our co-hosts 15 and Meowing and Four-Legged Furballs.
We’ll all take a shot at the sentences.  C’mon Budd.  The dude will still be in the mirror when you get back.                                                                     
Guess you’re right Tyebe. He doesn’t seem to leave the same spot. Coming right out.


Here are our sentences for this week:

1. I can’t wait to have…..ALL THE FOOD I WANT….. on Crisp Mouse. ( if not in the USA, substitute your next holiday).                                                                   

2. I am thankful for…..BUDD AND EVEN SHOKO. I KNOW ONE DAY SHOKO WILL LOVE ME.  SHE WOULDN’T LET ANYONE HURT ME NOW SO I KNOW DEEP…..WAY DEEP DOWN SHE LOVES ME.                                                              

3. When it comes to pie,…..ANY KIND DOES THE TRICK. ALL PIES ARE DELICIOUS SO I’M NEVER PICKY.                                                                         

4. A feast is not a feast without….NIP.  ONE MUST GET THAT GIDDY FEELING DURING A HOLIDAY                                                                      

Do these ears remind you of a cat in this house? Spooky likeness.

Tyebe Tuesday November

Budd, let’s play but don’t touch me, ok?  How can I play and not touch you?  That’s ridiculous Tyebe.  Shoko wants me to play with her but not to touch a fur of hers.  I don’t know how to do that so I want you to show meWell, I’ll try but this is an example of the Queen dictating what we can do and how to do it.   It will do us good to practice a new way of dancing with our toys.                                                                    

That’s it, Budd.  We aren’t touching.  Whoops, sorry Budd I didn’t mean to do a flip onto your head ole boy.  This is harder than me thought.  Ya can’t have fun and be careful not to touch the other dude.  OK, Budd, I’ll investigate the living room for a while.                                             Mom’s putting away her fall decorations but most of them have gone already.  These are the leftovers that she forgot.                                                    

How boring, nothing to dig in or sniff.  Pathetic mom!

Let’s go outside in this new white stuff.  Wonder what it feels like, is it hot or cold? I’m stayin’ right here where its warm Tyebe.  See ya when you come back inside.  OK, you’ll miss the fun, Budd.  Don’t think so little one.                                                                       
Aha!! A foreign paw print. I’m on the lookout for danger, an introoder.

Hey sis, have you seen an introoder wandering around in our yard.   No, Tyebe and the yard isn’t that big.
See all these paw prints Shokos? This is a bold introoder!

That’s no introoder, Tyebe, it’s me. You? Geez, the paw prints go every which way. Are you drunk on nip or just staggering all over the backyard Shokos?


We are joining Happy Tuesday at Comedy Plus.  Click on the badge and be thrown over there.

Friday Fill-Ins with Tyebe and Budd


Whatcha doin’ in there Tyebe?  You’re making a heck of a noise. Can’t get comfy?  I’s trying to tidy up in here Budds.  There’s blankets shoved Higgly Piggly.                                               

   Seems to me you’re the only one that went in the tent.  Guess you did it Tyebe.  mol *hic*  Could be you’re right but then again these blankets needed a good airing.

It’s Fill In time on Friday.  So let’s do the fill-ins  Budd.  The Friendly Fill-Ins are co-hosted by Ellen of 15 and Meowing blog and Lorraine of Four-Legged Furballs blog.  Please go to their blogs by clicking your mousie on their names and see all the other furries participating in this blog hop.                                         




Over to you Tyebe.  I did dood my best.  OK, I got it Budd.  Let’s show Shoko that we can do this.

3. BUDD….. is a blessing in disguise.  I HAVE SOMEONE TO PLAY WITH NOW.







Sunday Selfie with Tyebe the Model

Careful Tyebe this ledge is skinny and you are a stumble bum.

You’se right Shokos, me’s could easily fall off this ledge but I’s will watch my step….Ahhh…there I’s upright again.

Hey Budd, any room for me’s in the nip patch?

Whatcha mean, “no?” I’s see lotsa room. There’s bugs in the nip patch you say? Seriously? I like bugs….moves over big guy. mol *hic*

It is Selfie Sunday and me posed like a pro….I’s mean model. See how long I’s getting.

Go to The Cat On My Head blog and visit your friends trying their best to look awesome.

May your Sunday be bright and happy.

Sunday Selfie with Tyebe

Woohoo, it’s The Cat On My head’s Sunday Selfie day and I’s went out in the yard for me selfie.  Just click on the blob name…oh sorry, me’s mean blog name and see all the fun anipals posing for you.                                                           

Some guy said kittens under the age of 3 months can’t get any enjoyment out of catnip.  I’s was a bit reserved at first.

Well I’s 3 months and 4 days so me’s enjoying the cwabs out of it. mol *hic*                                                                            

What makes me’s feel so good when I’s chomp down on this plant?
I’s wonder if Shokos knows about this catnip stuffs?  Me’s must ask her tonight when I’s jump on her head.

That was fun, mom. Let’s do it again. No…awww, you’re mean to me’s. I’s a good girl I’s am and deserve more nip. Tomorrow? OK, deal….tomorrow.

Have a happy Sunday friends.                                                                            

Prep for Shoko’s Birthday.

I’s will help mom.  It’s Shokos 10th Gotcha Day on Friday.  She is so old and wise.  I’s want to be like her when me’s get old. She’s so big!                                                                


I run in front of mom to help with putting the balloons  outside.  Mom trips and staggers to the deck.  She drops a balloon and I’s rescue it from the wind.

Egads!!  Me nails made it die, mom! Right in me’s face.

Oh looky, looky me’s favourite Fancy Feast!

Fill it in Mig none….I’s never heard of this kind mom. Sure hope Shokos likes it.  We must have kitten food.  Shokos loves it.                                             

Really? Shokos would like nip? Gag me’s with a paw! Catnip has no flavour….it’s just like grass to me’s. Well OK, if you’s feel Shokos would like it. You think Yeoww! would be the best? K.

Stop by on Friday and wish Shokos a Happy Gotcha Day. You’ll see the gift I’m giving her. Actually, there are 2 gifts.

It’s also Thankful Thursday at Brian’s Home so me’s will say I’s really thankful for me’s big sis Shokos.                                                           

 She is very helpful even when she doesn’t realize it.  I’s am happy being her little sis.  Shokos taught me how to be a mover and shaker.

Til Friday my friends, never flip when you could have flopped. Hugs

My First Selfie In The Lane

C’mon mom, let’s go for our walk.  It’s not as windy.                                                       

This is what’s left of our snow.                                                    
Compared to the snow from a little over a month ago.

Um…I’ll be busy for awhile mom. This newspaper is very aromatic and ready for the sniffing.

Juno’s been out here. The nosy little tinkle head. Smudge is still here, good for him. He must’ve got a good vet report and that rash must’ve disappeared. I really must invite him over for some nip and a spot of cool water.   Be there in a few minutes mom!                                            
Buds are just starting to form on this wee tree. I’ll take a picture in 2 weeks and see how far it’s come along.

I’m headed to the nip Shoks.  Be right there, mom.

Look at those juicy sprouts of nip. Some little tinkle head next door has been getting it all dirty. Geez!

It’s also Sunday Selfie time at The Cat On My Head.                                                      Jump on over and participate with us or just have a peek at your buddies.  Hit the highlighted blog hop’s name and you’re there!                                              

How’s this for a quickie….selfie. I made it while walking. No moss growing under my paws!

Spring into Monday, my friends.