Tag Archives: Bacon

In Purrsuit of Flavours…..Sensational Sandwiches

We are joining Comedy Plus for Wordless Wednesday.  We talk too much for wordless so make it wordy as a salamander with his tail caught in a door.  Click on the name or badge and join the mob over there.                                                     

What are you doing, Tyebes?  You look like a mop flopping around on the floor.                                                         










This is a Yeowy!!! sardine and it has lots of nip in it. Well, tear yourself away fish breath, and let’s start cooking up a sandwich storm. Coming!!

Our co-host for Sensational sandwiches is Phenny and Nelly of Easyweimaraner blog. Our not too picky French friends.  Click on their name and be thrown to France and the dogs.  mol

Now, Tyebes we’re making a toasted mushroom and bacon sandwich.  So let’s start.                                                               


You cook the mushrooms and I’ll stick the bacon in the oven.  We are making 2 sandwiches.

Consider it done, Chef Shoko.         

Toasted Bacon and Mushroom Sandwich


4 slices of bread
4 strips of bacon.
5 big mushrooms


1/  Put bread in the toaster.  Toast till the desired colour appears.                 

2/ Cook bacon either in the oven, stove, or microwave.
3/ Cook mushrooms on the stove.
4/ Butter the bread.
5/ Spread mayo on the sandwich. If you like lots of mayo on the sandwich fill er up!

Here is your finished sandwich.

We did it Shoko and that bacon sure smells yummy. You have the mushrooms and I’ll have the bacon, ok? I don’t think so, you freeloader. Am not, Shoks.

         BONY PETITE

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Shopping Around the World with Shoko and Kali

This month Bacon of PIglove fame wants a dessert.                                                    Mom and dad are not usually dessert peeps but mom found a recipe for Peach Ginger Compote that only takes 15 minutes to make and it is so simple I’d bet ya that if mom screws it up…..I’ll eat frog spit!  You got a deal Shoko and I know just the frog whose spit you can eat.

K, let’s get busy mom. There are mouses to catch and snakes to attack.


Serves 8
Prep time 5 min.
Cook Time 15 min


2 cans Del Monte Sliced Peaches in heavy syrup( there is no heavy syrup in this town) or whole cling peaches, not drained.

 540 ml. in light juice syrup $2.88                                                             

1/2 cup packed light brown sugar

1Kg $1.87

1/4 cup cider vinegar

500 ml. $1.47                                                        

2 tblsps minced fresh ginger

$0.99 for 75 grams.                                                    



Combine all ingredients in a medium saucepan.  Bring to a boil over high heat.  Reduce heat to medium-high and cook for 15 to 20 minutes, stirring occasionally, or until liquid is slightly thickened and fruit begins to break apart.

Remove from heat and let cool slightly.  Using a potato masher, carefully mash peaches to desired texture.  Serve warm or at room temperature.                                                      

Mom has never cooked a Compote before and didn’t know you need something to put the Compote on like a shortcake or pound cake.  Dad was not impressed but ate it by itself anyway.  He liked it and is going to make pancakes for breakfast so he can put the Compote on.  If you noticed mom threw in a few raisins for eyes….many eyes. MOL                                                         

So, to clarify, this is an excellent topping for shortcakes, pancakes, French Toast or anything plain that needs some zip.  Definitely, not by itself.                                                   

You finished mom?  Thanks for stopping by for our Shopping Around the World.  Let’s play snake mom.                                 

Remember to have some shortcake for the Compote.                                                 

Shopping and Cooking Around the World


Bacon, of Piglove,  is having his Shopping Around the World blog hop today and we thought we would honour him by cooking a snack with no meat.  Teddy of Two Spoiled Cats is the guest host for this month so we applaud Teddy for taking on the duty.  *apaws* *apaws*  We decided this was a great idea.                                                  Our snack is a warm and a fun food….no cares, no worries.  The only things that lost their lives ….oh, oh!  What Shoks?  What did YOU do wrong?  This snack has meat….bacon to be exact.  How could you Shoko…..poor Bacon…you’re cooking him!  The poor guy.  I feel terrible Kali.  You should…maybe we can get around it.  We’ll call it, um, nocab.  Gotcha!

Today we are making CHEESE AND NOCAB-STUFFED PEPPERS  This is a snack you can make and cook in 30 seconds…I mean minutes, 30 minutes.  Mom can make it up quickly cause dad keeps eating them.  So she’s getting lots of practice.


10 jalapeno or banana peppers…$0.27 each fresh
2 slices of nocab….$5.28…500 grams No Name
3 tablespoons cream cheese…$2,88 No Name
2 tablespoons of fresh mint…$1.98 President’s Choice


Seed peppers. Cook nocab slices until crispy. Finely chop or rip them up. Stir cream cheese with chopped mint. Stuff peppers with cream cheese mixture and top with nocab pieces. Broil on a baking sheet for 2 to 3 minutes.

                                                  You could have softened the cream cheese Shoko, crap!  My paws are getting cramps and I broke a nail.


This is it for the recipe.  You will notice mom has more than 3 tablespoons of cream cheese…this is because she’s cheating and adding more cream cheese with green onions and nocab…a little summer savoury for additional flavour.  I urge you to first try the recipe and then experiment.

The peppers are from our garden and so different sizes.

Hope you enjoy our snacks.

Have a memorable day…meow it up!                                                     

Friday’s Fun Fill-Ins with Kali


Today is Friday Fill-Ins by Ellen from 15 and Meowing blog and Annie of McGuffy’s Reader blog.                                                                                         1. I challenge everyone to…..REMEMBER HOW COLD THEY WERE IN THE WINTER….. this week.  Then when it rains or you need a windbreaker to go outside, you’ll realize just how warm you really are.                                                                              2. I regret disposing of …..MY SANTA CLAUS DOLL.  Actually mom put it away a  year and a half ago  and she has never found it.                                                                     

3. I have a difficult time admitting …..I AM A TAD FULL OF MYSELF.                                                                       

4. If I were given a psychic power, I would like it to be……FLYING.  Then Shoko could jump on my back and we could go visit our friends in Blogville.  No planning just jump on my back and way we go.

     No pictures of me flying Shoko down to Atlanta to visit with Bacon as I can’t fly.                                                                     But I can dream about it. MOL

Have a terrific Day my friends. 


Nellie’s Spirit Walks Among Us

Kali, this is hard….I miss our bud and there are so many memories we could share.  I know, it’s very difficult but we loved Nellie with all our hearts and she made our life so much fun with her “uniqueness.”  She made Cow Kitty wonder if he was man enough to take on, “The Cat Queen From Hell,” MOL

I know, let’s show our memories for all to see.                                    We were trying to make a snow kitty but Nellie got excited and jumped on its head.  Kali soon followed and we had a mess.  hehe

Then there was the day mom caught Nellie and I up on the bread board having a great time mewing about and scratching our backs.  She threatened to spread us out on a cracker if we didn’t leave immediately. MEW, MEW…that was so funny watching mom’s lips moving but laughing so hard we couldn’t hear her.                                                                                 What about the day Nellie and Angel Sammy got us to taste bacon for the first time?  What a delightful day with so much bacon.  Something else Nellie introduced us to.                                                                          Then there was the day Nellie and Marvin the Moose wandered down the street together.  Peeps were looking out their windows and pointing at how marvellously Nellie could direct Marvin.  They seemed like best friends.                                                                 Here we are getting cleaned up for our story and treat time.  Nellie fit right in with us…like a part of the family.

Remember Nellie writing….We have too many memories to put them all down but just know we will always be buddies and when we meet again we will continue our, “Cat From Hell” behaviour.

The last picture ever of our Nellie taken by mom.

We all love you Nellie.  You will forever walk softly in our hearts.                                                                       

Another Day In Prince George

Friday, 6 January 2017

Another Day in Prince George and The Gift – #6

Mes still at the Canadian Cats! Kali and Shoko in Prince George!
When wes gotted up in the morning, Kali’s Mommy made us
Oh Goodness, I love BACON!
So do I
Mes too!
Angel Sammy must has told her how much mes likes BACON!!!
Did Angel Sammy tell you how much Nellie likes bacon Mom?
So starts another fun filled day with our three muscateers.  Read the full post at Nellie On The Edge.

Shopping Around the World In November

cute-kitten-sitting-shopping-cartThanks to Piglove and Fozziemum for providing us a forum to tell everybody our recipes.  Go Bacon!

We are supposed to be cooking up a Thanksgiving side dish but our Thanksgiving was last month, in October.  Mom and dad won’t appreciate anything to do with a turkey so close to Christmas.  The peeps in the States can hack it.  Well, we’re a little different.

So what are we cooking then Shoko?  Mom says she’s making up fish cakes.  How un-Thanksgiving like.  Well, this dish is for a break after all that  turkey.  Most of her ingredients are from the vegetable garden….but not the salmon Shoko.  Too bad, we could be rich if mom could grow fish out in the garden.

What’s that Elfin John doing?  You want to help us?  We don’t need your help, thank you.  I think we should let him help, Shoko.  He may be turning over a new leaf and who are we to stop his progress.  I don’t believe it Kali and now I feel guilty.  Oh, alright,,,,he can help us.

Here is a picture of the ingredients.


Here is a picture of the ingredients mom forgot to show in the first photo.

Now that you’re confused we’ll tell you the ingredients:

1 onion, diced…$.030
1/4 cup shredded carrot…..garden…optional
4 average old potatoes…..garden
1/4 cup green pepper…$0.25
1/4 cup red pepper……$0.25
4 drops Worcester sauce…optional…cupboard
celery leaves….2 tbsps..optional
1/2 cup frozen peas
Sockeye salmon…..150 grams (5.3 ounces)… $5.25

Mom sends to St, Jean’s Cannery for her salmon.  Wonderful tasting salmon.  St. Jean’s Cannery is in the city of Nanaimo where Nanaimo Bars were invented.

We are all ready to get underway.                                                             aashokochef

Fry the peppers, onion,potatoes, dill, fall, nip, Kali, electric, cakes and shredded carrot, until they are just soft. Throw them into the mashed potatoes with Worcester sauce.  Add the dill and all other ingredients.  Your mixture is set to be fried.                                                             aaelfinbowlHey you…Elfin!!!  Get away before you fall in.

Good grief, I need a nip smoothie.  This little guy is getting to me.

aanipdrink2Thank you Kali.

Now, lets get out the electric fry pan.  Turn the temperature to high and spray a bit of oil in the bottom of the pan, about a tbsp.  Shape the cakes into round shapes about the size of a hamburger patty. When these rounds are in the frying pan press them flatter with a spatula. Our fry pan  holds 7 medium fish cakes.                                                                 aafishcakes1

These are the cooking fish cakes.  Mom is not great at flipping them over but she’s the boss.                                                                   aacookfc2There you have it friends.  Now for a sip of my nip smoothie.

What are you doing in my smoothie, you oddball!

aaelfindrinkYuck…I don’t want an elfin smoothie!!

May the food I burn, light your path.


KALI…..ORANGE                                                                            sistersinarmsfall



One Lovely Blog Award


Do you realize Kali, that Bacon nominated us for One Lovely Blog Award.  Wasn’t that thoughtful?  Bacon is nosy and probably wants to find out more about us.  We’re nosy as heck so a little curiosity never killed the pig and is probably quite entertaining.  Thank you so much Bacon that was very thoughtful of you.

Now to accept this award, we must tell you 7 things about ourselves you may not know.  That’s going to be hard cause you know an awful lot about us.

1/ I have a boyfriend named Einstein that I met at Cat Scouts.  He is way younger than me.  I now have a nickname of Cougar Shoko.                                                                           einstinkissingshokorIsn’t he handsome?

2/  I haven’t caught a mouse in more than 2 years.  The little dudes slip right through my paws.                                                                     tulipssmCan you see the mouse in the dirt?  Neither could I so I gave up and came inside for a bite to eat.

3/  When I want mom to play chase and tag, I tap her on the arm.  She gets the message and before long we’re up and chasing each other through the house.


4/ I prefer to dine at 6pm when the news is on and everybody is busy and out of the kitchen. Kali and I chow down on pate. Kali needs the pate because of her lack of teeth.

5/ I found a message on the shed…..”For a good time call Shoko at 1-800 *Im a babe*.” Dang that Cow Kitty!  I’ll get the little fart face for this.                                                                          111

6/  I get cold really quickly so I make myself a wee tent.                                        1212We have to move to a warmer climate, mom.

7/  I have a soft spot for Cow Kitty.  I don’t want him too close but if I don’t see him for a few days, I look for him.                                                                      1112   There you have it, our 7 tell all facts about us.

The hard part is nominating ONLY

 7 blogs that we feel are outstanding and deserve this award.



3/ Daily Feline Wisdom





Click on these awesome blogs and get an immediate peek at them.

Are you ready for a steamy joke my friends.   What do you call a train that eats toffee?
A chew, chew train. MOL, MOL





An Interview With Ling-Ling Odboddy

We have a treat for our friends today.  An interview with Ling-Ling, the beautiful Siamese cat from Elaine Faber’s series on Mrs. Agnes Odboddy.  The first book is called : Mrs. Odboddy:  Hometown Patriot.  This lady is so sweet and harmless looking but watch out citizens of Newbury.                                                                         aaaling-lingspeaks Ling- Ling, what a unique name.  What does it mean? Who really knows? It could mean, ‘who put broccoli in my bowl?’ Or, ‘someone is sleeping in my chair.’ A rose by any other name… Mrs. Odboddy can call me anything, as long as she calls me to dinner…

 From my understanding, it wasn’t your choice to live with Agnes Odboddy.  What was your first reaction when you met Mrs. Odboddy? Agnes rescued me when Lily Jengu and her family went to the Japanese Internment Camp. My first thought was relief that I wouldn’t be homeless. Second thought was, no more sushi and fish soup. Now, I’d have to eat ox tails and kidneys. I had no idea cow innards were so tasty.

What kind of lovin’ does Mrs. Odboddy give?  She seems so busy searching for Nazi spies and evil plots against the war effort, one must wonder if her cream still rises to the top. Mrs. Odboddy isn’t exactly the ‘lovin’ type.’ She is too busy rolling bandages, collecting cans, volunteering at the Ration Office and on the Coast Watch or chasing bad guys.  

 What happened with those chickies?  Is it true you jumped in and killed a chicken?  You, a beautiful cross-eyed Siamese would kill a chicken?  What happened to it? Now, I ask you? What self-respecting Siamese killing-machine would allow six chickens to reside in the bathroom and not perpetrate a Black-Ops mission? Of course I snagged one of the feathered fowl. I would have eaten it too, except Agnes’s boyfriend took it away from me and put it in the garbage can. What a waste!

Ling-Ling, did you find Agnes Odboddy’s weird lifestyle grew on you and you woke up wondering what would happen today? She certainly kept my head spinning. Agnes was involved with the doings at the First Church of the Evening Star and Everlasting Light, volunteered for every imaginable war effort, and tried to expose conspiracies. There was no telling what she might do on any given day. And, should I tell you about the day. Mrs. Roosevelt came to a funeral in town? Oh my goodness, didn’t that turn into a fiasco? How could I possibly keep up?

 Do you get treats Ling-Ling?  I know there is a war going on and Mrs. Odboddy uses her ration book for the popular items such as sugar and coffee but what about bacon or something as good….does she share with you? I don’t think I’ve ever tasted bacon. I get lots of cream. That’s the thick stuff that separates from the milk and comes to the top in the milk jug. It’s real yummy. Agnes says that’s why I have such beautiful blue eyes and soft fur. Maybe when the war is over, I’ll learn about bacon. Until then, if your friends want to know more about me, Agnes and her lovely granddaughter, Katherine, they can buy the e-book, Mrs. Odboddy – Hometown Patriot, at Amazon for $3.99. I think they’d like us.



May your chicken never mate with a cement  mixer.  You don’t need to raise  a brick layer.


The Last Day of October


We are joining Easy and Bacon for the before and after pictures.

Are we brave enough? Is nip green with purple polka dots? Of course we’re scared but we’re Canadians so we talk our way out of difficulties. MOL

Here I am before mom touched me.  Look sophisticated, don’t I?

        BEFORE                                                  kali-posing-smI’m sure you’ve seen this picture before cause it’s one of my favourites.

kaliwitchhatcapepumpMy turn:  This is me relaxing in the crib type cat pole.  I woke up and got up to pose for this picture.


aaashokosmYes, it is…it’s the before.  Is too Kali?  No it’s not Shoko…you cheat!    aadressedshokIsn’t this different for me?  I’m a southern belle.
