Tag Archives: catnip

Aww….Monday in the Backyard

We also are joining Sandee for her Aww….Monday on Comedy Plus blog She always has the cutest little furries over there. Go on over and tell her what you think.  Just click on the badge or name to fly on over.                                                                     

Oh Shoks, we’re so lucky to be outside in the sun helping mom and dad.                                                           

Dad put this pole in the ground to mark where the next catnip plant goes. Have they got the cat nip yet? I can’t smell any nip on the deck or in the house. Me either! I’ve searched for it too.

We’d better remind peeps that In Purrsuit of Flavours comes out honouring Cinco de Mayo Day. Come share your Mexican recipes with us, We love to read and then try your recipes. Your recipes can be for snacks, appetizers, drinks, or basically any edible food.                                                             
I can’t wait till we see what recipes peeps have. I wonder if any will make up their own recipe or if it will just be us being creative? We’ll see Wednesday, Tyebe.

Your eyes will pop when you see what we’re planning for our drink. mol

Walk-About For A Selfie

A walk-about of the neighbourhood shows that Cow Kitty’s house is for sale.                                                                           Here Cow Kitty lies on the catnip so no one else can have it.  He’s dumb like a fox. MOL

                                                                                                                                          Not a bad looking house even if mom didn’t get all of it in the photo.

  We were mellowing out till we saw a woofie.  Then we felt like sitting ducks.                                                                       

I tried to get a selfie of the two of us but Kali was watching and the bad words she was using were very descriptive. mol                                                                        I certainly don’t look fearless in the picture.

Our awesome host, The Cat on my Head is serving up many a pet’s selfie in a great lineup.  So stop by and admire your friends.  Click on the name of the blog host.                                                                   Have a lazy Sunday friends.

Make me Unique for Artsy Caturday

It’s Caturday and time for Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty to have her Artsy Caturday.  Click on the blog hop name in blue and go see your friends that must pose for their pawents weird tastes.   Dad has Athena’s blog name in silver on his screen.  So go to the coloured name…MOL                                                             


 I’ll take this artsy fartsy day Kali.  You don’t look so good today.  I have a tummy ache Shoks.  Think I ate too much of the snack mom gave me.  It was good so I ate all of it.  Sorry, I ate yours too.  Well cwap Kali!  You deserve to have a tummy ache.  I never even saw the treat.  I can sneak pretty fast…mol…owww.                                                           Think I’ll stay here for a while though Shoks.   K Kali.  You’ve made yourself a little nest.  It’s very comfy too.                                                                You look prepared for the sun Shoks.  Too bad there’s no sun today.  There will be.


Here I am artsied up thanks to Fun Photo Box.                                                                        MOL….It is unique mom.  Thank you for the straw sun hat Ellen….just what I needed to avoid the ditzy bug.

Someone dropped over to see us today.  We haven’t seen much of him since he’s found the, *The Joys of Hunting* and has been practicing over at the falling down house.                                                                         Gee, Cow Kitty doesn’t look like he’s been suffering any in the past few months.  The catnip has dropped many seeds and this is what Cow Kitty is laying on.                                                                               I feel much better mom…anymore of those tasty treats?  What do you mean?  I don’t make a pig of myself!  I’m dainty and delicate.  Ya, right!  Delicate and dainty as a moose. MOL

                                                                                Plan something devious this weekend and then run like the wind my friends. MOL





Encore of Dash Kitten.Com’s Interview


We were so happy with our interview by Miranda of Dash Kitten.Com that we are showing everyone again…et nausium.

Oh Canada! Meet two of our Fave Siamese

Welcoming Shoko home

Welcome to a terrific Siamese cat blog for this week’s worldwide web interview. We have a Meezer focus, and as mum is a big Siamese fan, we are thrilled to add this interview to our roster of international stars.

Today we welcome two of the cats that give us much pleasure online, Kali and Shoko, Meezers at Large in one of our favourite countries – Canada.  Welcome to spokescat Shoko who introduces The Canadian Cats…..

Shokosiamese cat, posing cat, elegant siamese, blue eyed cat, blue eyed kitty,

Hi there.

Welcome to Fort Meezer in da Hood.  It is a royal treat to communicate with others so far away.  Pull up a stool and have a steaming cup of catnip tea fresh from our garden. Um….the catnip that is……not the water. hehe

Where in the world are you?

We, being sister Kali, mom and dad and myself live in the Northern Central Interior of British Columbia, Canada.  Kali and I have never left the city of Prince George so we believe mom.  Prince George is known for sawmills and pulp mills as we are surrounded by forests for miles and miles.  We find this fact boring.  We don’t climb trees and don’t eat bark so what’s the big deal?  So we need to make our own fun.

siamese cat, older cat, cream siamese, cat looking

Kali the Siamese Cat

What is your favourite part of creating your Siamese cat blog?

Kali and I would agree that our favourite part of posting is the time we spend with mom.  We lay on the back of the love seat and look over mom’s shoulder as she types. We feel the input mom receives from us is valuable and sometimes mom gets some excellent pictures of our studious behaviour.  We do many activities with mom and one of my favourite is tending the veggie garden.  Every day I water, fertilize and dig in the garden, providing the much-needed nutrients these veggies need.  Our growing season is short so mom needs all the help she can get.  Sorry, I can get a little wordy or become a blabber mouth.  We all love the idea of reaching out and talking with friends from all over the world.

What kind of readership have you discovered enjoys your blog?

The Canadian Cats is not a deep blog that deals with diseases of cats or nutritional requirements.  We offer a mostly humorous look at two Siamese cats and their dealings with life’s events from their point of view.  We would assume most of the visitors to the blog are looking in to see what antics Kali and I have been inflicting on mom.  Life can be very serious and discouraging.  A laugh can change a depressive mood so the obstacles in our life don’t seem as monumental.  If, someone gets a chuckle from our behaviour…..our goal was achieved.
bugeyed Shoko

What are the joys and challenges of being a worldwide blogger?

The challenges of worldwide blogging were obvious right away.  Mom knew little about a computer and even less about the programs.  She had to find out how this here box thingie worked and then learn to take pictures, photo edit and generally familiarize herself with the everyday workings of life in Blogville.  The joys were quick in coming.  The first post we did and it turned up to be visible to others, was a cause for celebration.  Then to find out three peeps actually were interested in what we had to say……well, you could have blown us away.  The one thing we didn’t expect was the close-knit community we were joining.  We now have friends from Hungary to The Hague.  We have become very attached to both the peeps and the pets.

Will you suggest some of your favourite posts for our readers to discover more about you?

I would say to your readers, if you have the time, read them all.  See how mom has improved over the years.  MOL  She did her first post and then was so upset, she never posted again for 3 months.

Thank you Shoko for introducing our readers to your Siamese cat blog, we are big fans and hope our friends enjoy meeting you!

Miranda Kitten
Miranda Kitten Image


Friendly Fill-Ins With Shoko


Did you know that Phoebe’s blog, 15 and Meowing and McGuffy’s Reader host the Friendly Fill Ins Kali?  Of course I do Shoks.  They have been doing this for 10 weeks now.                                                                                smsm KaliLast week you did the fill-in’s so this week is my turn Kali.  Make me proud, Shoko.                                                                              ash1sm1. I prefer the new Chicken and Cheese Fancy Feast to the Salmon Primavera   flavoured Fancy Feast. 

 2. Staying away from the fresh catnip was much harder than I expected.

3. One way that I relax is to lay under a bush in the garden. 

  4. Feeling the sun on my furs always makes me happy.

asleepshWhat’s this….the sun is out for a visit…woohoo.

May your fur balls be few and your sun puddles plenty.

Helping Mom Unpack

Are we going to unpack…finally?  Yippee…treats.

suitcaseshoksmOh wow…..you found feline Greenies.  I need some for my teeth, right now….PLEASE!  What else?  A temptations mouse….cool.  Colorado cat nip….this is great stuff….mountain grown is always stronger.

Mom, did you watch us while you were gone…….I know you’re not all seeing but did you put a camera in the bedroom?  You didn’t?  Then what was the green light that showed on the bottom of the TV.  Yeah, Judy did put my favourite dvd of birds on TV….so?  Yes, it was very kind of her…..no one else ever thought of it. Oh, so CK was right.  The light was on because the TV was on.  I never noticed before.

dvdsmcrI’m sure glad you weren’t peeping at us and trusted us.  Of course, we were remarkably good.  Didn’t  Judy tell you…we helped her.  She stayed for about an hour and read her mail so I got on the desk and sat in front of the monitor so she had to twist about to see the e-mails.  Good exercise.

Now, about that kitty smell on your t-shirt.  What gives?  Haven’t we given you everything you ever wanted in a kitty?  We do so much to help you and this is what you do, run off and cuddle with strangers.  It was someone I know?  You gotta be kidding me, mom!  You were mewing with Nellie, the queen of us cats from hell.  What’s she like up close and personal?  Did she like you?  Oh my catnip….it’s hard to believe.  Did you bow?  Of course you didn’t or you’d be rolling around on the floor still.  A curtsey would have been nice.

nellie2She’s beautiful and so small!  Just like me…ok, ok, way smaller than me.  Goes to show ya, size doesn’t matter.  She is my idol mom so I won’t give ya a bad time.                                                  nelliemomcinsmLook, Nellie and her mom and there is Cinnamon…out of focus…MOL  What a Royal family with Nellie to guide them?


Nellie’s hugging you!!  Were you excited?  Looks like Nellie gave us a bag of stuffs….let’s see it mom.  I still can’t believe you saw my mentor.                                                     goodiesnellieWow,…you say they are Nellie approved.  She put her paw print to them.  They are so unique with a certain relaxing sniff about them.  Nellie’s mom made them?  How come you’re not that talented mom?  Yeah I know you made a rabbit for cats in 1980 but that was a long time ago.  I want the octakitty with the tail…no, wait, the thing with feelers looks enticing.

What a wonderful day.  Bacon, from Piglove has shown mom and dad’s second day in Georgia with Bacon’s mom and dad.  Simply click on Piglove and join mom and dad having more fun.                                                                 Kali and Shoks







Lazy Day in Fort Meezer

It was a cold day today.  The wind was whistlin’ around the house.  Kali and I went outside for a New York minute.  I’ve heard this is a very short minute and that was us after breakfast.  So, what to do?  We usually go out and enjoy the fresh air…we don’t give a cwap for the fresh air that’s out their today.  I sat and helped mom at the computer.                                                  DSCN4341Just thought I’d help ya, mom.  Aww….did you know there’s a catnip sack here?  Is this just for me?                                                                              DSCN4011What do you mean I’m not helping.  I thought I was….you didn’t want that catnip sack taking up room…I could have taken it off your paws, mom.

Goody, we get to play in the basement….I’m ready!  Oh no, I have to wear this contraption again.

DSC_0743Hmmm, if it means we get to play….OK.  Meet you in the basement.  Woohoo.

Kali was also busy trying to help mom.

DSCN4486Kali made sure the Kitty Litter tray smelled clean.  Mom carried Kali and the Kit Lit tray into the laundry room for a kit lit refill.                                                                    DSCN4326We were beat after helping out, so decided a nap was called for.  Notice the box mom found for us. It was my turn to sleep in it.                                                                       



Produce From Our Garden

I’ll bet you wondered what happened to us.  We haven’t posted for awhile.  Mom has been busy with harvesting the veggies.  Well, all this warm weather has had a great effect on the veggie garden.  The peas, chard and beet greens are being frozen for the winter.    Beets have been frozen and 2 bags of peas.  This took quite the amount of time.  We had to pick the peas, shell them and divide the older peas from the tender ones.  Granted mom and dad did most of this but I walked through the garden with her.  Just so she didn’t mess up the veggies.


a small pot of tender chard

a small pot of tender Ruby Chard

What have we been doing while mom and dad are steaming their faces off with the veggies?  It has turned cool here so our pool has disappeared.  No more fun with the pool.  Dad cut our catnip wwwway back and hung the stalks from the ceiling of the deck.  Mom will pack the leaves and buds away for our relatives at Christmas.  This is still what mom and dad are doing but Kali and I helped  with these chores.  I sat in the middle of the catnip and yelled in perfect Niponese,”NO!! Not our nip!”  Dad didn’t listen but said my voice was very forceful.

 No!  Down came the nip.  Mom said there is another full month of summer, at least, and I’ll be chewin’ on nip again this summer.  Nice tender nip too.  I like the sound of that mom.  Remember that Flat Einstein and Timmy are coming for a visit from Pennsylvania in August.

Kali has not been up to much.  She keeps using her stairs in the bedroom.  Looking all smug and happy.  Today I showed her what I could do with the stairs.

I just wanted Kali to see that I was no longer afraid of the stairs.  My point made, I left to help outside.

Kali went into the living room and covered herself while laying on the love seat.

I was not in as much demand as I thought so I headed out to the greenhouse.  Kali and I spent the rest of the afternoon resting up.

Hope your day was as mellow as yours.

Welaxing Wednesday


Wednesday PurrsToday was a mellow day.  We all spent most of the day enjoying the new growth of Spring.

We got a little sapling lilac tree last year from our bald headed neighbour.  We now see the new growth starting.


Lilac Tree

Lilac Tree

The Alpine Willy Clematis is very early every year and is about to bloom.


Alpine Willy Clematis

Alpine Willy Clematis

Mom has been weeding the lily bed and we have been watching by the catnip.  Mom’s way to handle the catnip is to block off two of them…letting them grow.  One is opened for our use…and usually has fur all over it.  When this one gets down, mom picks the fur off and wraps chicken wire around it but opens one of the good ones.  This way there is catnip all summer long.


The next 2 weeks are planting weeks.  All the soil and added nutrients need to be rototilled in my veggie garden and the potato patch.  This is dad’s job.  Planting the potatoes and veggies are mom and my job.  The perennials need more bone meal this year too.  Lots to do yet.

Doesn’t my veggie patch look nekked.  Remember this picture in July.  I can work wonders with my green paw.